
We can all contribute and advocate for safe streets and we all  need to abide by all traffic laws and follow signs and signals but also learn, support and advocate for those initiatives and measures aimed to decrease traffic fatalities. 

The following links will provide vast information on how we can achieve safe streets and put an end to deaths caused by preventable traffic collisions.

Please, support and advocate!


 Vision Zero SJ - Human life takes priority over mobility and other objectives of the road system. The street system should be safe for all users, for all modes of transportation, in all communities and for people of all ages and abilities.


At its core, Vision Zero is the straightforward goal of zero traffic-related deaths and severe injuries. However, achieving Vision Zero requires a fundamental paradigm shift in how our culture views traffic collisions—we must affirm the fact that every roadway death and life-altering injury is preventable.


As a recent report shows, one of the most effective, quick and easy to implement solutions is Automated Speed Enforcement (ASE). A small fee similar to a parking ticket ($50 or $75) is enough to slow drivers who are exceeding the speed limit.


Nationally, 47,025 pedestrians died while walking on our streets, representing 12.3 percent of total traffic deaths over that decade. But the national fatality numbers have increased recently. A total of 4,280 people walking died in traffic crashes in 2010. That number increased to 4,432 in 2011, and went up again in 2012 to 4,743. In 2012, people on foot represented nearly 15 percent of all traffic fatalities.
